Friday, January 22, 2010

Rotovegas weekend

We hadn't had enough holiday time yet, so last weekend we headed up to Rotorua with a friend/co-worker/international client of Bryce's, Luc who lives in Quebec. The weekend was supposed to be geared around work and showing Luc some of the stores where his product is being represented, but there was time to fit in lots of MTBiking so the boys did just that. They managed to fit in 4 rides in 40 hours, which was a pretty good effort for one weekend. Carl drove up from Napier to join them in the last ride, which I think was the last one Luc would have been able to endure. He loved all the riding but he was pretty tired after not having ridden in a few months (due to all the snow in Quebec!) Needless to say, on our long drive back to Wellington on Sunday, Luc was asleep within 15 minutes of the drive.

The boys riding endeavours suited me just fine as I got to do some nice walking trails in the redwoods and around Lake Taupo, plus take some time to do some shopping for clothes that fit.
It is difficult at this stage of the pregnancy to not buy maternity clothing that I will only be in for 2 more months, but to try to find clothing that fits now and won't look too big afterwards.
As you can see, I am definitely protruding out the front these days. I seem to spill more often on my tummy (when I eat) more than I have ever before (except maybe when I was a baby!) and it is hard to squeeze past people in stores and close surroundings now. Sleep is also less enjoyable and comfortable. Seems a bit unfair that just before you begin several years of sleep-deprived nights, you don;t get a chance to bank up heaps of sleep because you are too big to sleep properly! Plus, the frequent pee stops in the middle of the night add to all the enjoyment! The April project is healthy and kicking up a storm each day and all night so we are pleased that things seems to be going all right.
We started antenatal classes last week and had our 2nd one this week. So far we have had to watch 2 birthing videos, amongst all the other activities we do to learn about labour etc. Sure is an eye opener. One thing I have learned that makes me feel prepared is that if my water breaks in the supermarket, I should drop a jar of pickles......

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