Saturday, February 23, 2008

I have something in my eye...

So, the school year is well underway and I am busy as usual. The volleyball season has also started and although we have two wins so far for the girls, we have lost the uniforms from last season, so needless to say, I am quite concerned. At least the girls are kicking butt though.
I went with 4 girls to the Beach Volleyball National Champs last weekend and they played well, considering their competition lives and breathes the sport, and my girls were just indoor trained. One of our teams came 10th in New ZEaland, so we are very proud of that accomplishment!
I have been struggling for the past day and a half with the feeling like I have an eyelash in my eye, but never find anything when I look. So bad that I felt it difficult to look at bright lights yesterday! I decided to check out the optometrist today and lo and behold she found a piece of wool/string/fluff in my eye that was difficult at first to locate, but that was an inch or so long! Very very thin, but long and I just couldn't believe the relief I felt immediately after she took it out. Moral of the story: Sometimes you gotta go with your gut and go to the doctor; waiting it out isn't always the right answer.
Speaking of things in your eye, check out this dude. Wild.