Monday, May 31, 2010

Mommy Yoga

I attended a postnatal yoga class on Saturday while Bryce and Emily had their first daddy-daughter date (a tradition my father and I continue still when we see each other). I know Bryce enjoyed it because he got to see her sleeping the whole time, while they hung out with other new fathers and shopped at the market for fresh fruit! Here is a pic of 2 of the other babies whose Mom's were at the class with me also. Emily is on the right, along with Mia on the left and Nathan (ladies man) in the middle. We did have them all set up holding hands, but that lasted 2 seconds.
We need to get a pic of all the babies in our antenatal class, so might have a goodie for ya after Thursday when we all meet up again!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Pasport photo.

Have you ever thought about getting a 6 week old to hold still long enough, in the government approved pose, to get a passport photo? Given that Emily was asleep minutes before this photo was taken, it's a surprising result.

We should probably have dressed her in pink however as she is doing her best tom boy impression.

Question of the day, in a passport application, what height do you include for someone who can't stand (or sit) unaided, and who is gaining centimeters by the day?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

6 weeks old.

Emily was given a Kowhai tree when she was born, and rather than plant it in the ground we're putting it in a big pot so that we can take it with us should we sell our house at any time. Decided a picture of Emily in the pot would be worth it prior to planting.

Good friends Carl and Denise visited with 16 month old Liam to show us our future once Emily starts walking.

All round good guy Donal the Irishman came by for dinner and to see what all the fuss was all about. Emily is down with the accents, having had a multi national series of visitors over her lifetime, all 6 weeks of it! Not that she understands any language though.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Learning about the world.

Despite what my dad says, I do sometimes sleep it's just that I do it when he is at work!

We've discovered that Emily loves her under sea themed floor mat, and the toys hanging above it particularly the downward facing mirror. All good for a laugh.

Friday, May 07, 2010

The Safety is Sexy Campaign

Found a great blog, advocating helmet wearing.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Adventuring around Kapiti with my peeps.

We headed out up the hill to watch the sunset, starting to teach Emily the wonders of the great outdoors.