Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I love my blanket

Emily had a bit of a freak out the other night which had us thinking she was cracking some more teeth or something similar. Turns out she just wanted her favourite blanket which was being washed. Once she got it back, she gave it the love.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to make a father happy.

Little Emily hasn't mastered walking on her own, but with the help of handlebars...

Total solo distance covered in the first training session, 2m before crashing sideways to the grass.

Interval training is proving to be the best strategy at 10 months. Case in point, stair climbing. She can go all out for about 15 stairs, but then takes a break and holds on the the next step with her teeth, all four of them.

10 Months!

It's getting hard to take the photo. 10 months old and growing up fast.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

She can finally ride, well almost...

Bryce has bought Emily her first bike seat and took her around the lounge (in his arms) and backyard (on the bike) in the seat today. She seems excited to be sitting in it, although she has no idea what it's all about. But it sure makes her Daddy excited so she laughs alot because he is laughing. We are just awaiting the helmet to arrive and the entire family will finally be on bikes!

Bryce and his business colleague/friend Bruno-Luc from Quebec after a visit this week. We have discovered that not only do these two men get along really well, but they both are very particular about their "belongings" and find frustration when their routine gets messed around; such as the peanut butter in the cupboard being put in the wrong place! Fascinating to listen to these two confide in each other all their little idiosyncracies.

This is the after shot, of our daughter feeding herself 2 blackberries. I couldn't believe only 2 berries could make this much mess.

Our cat is finding more and more unique sleeping hideaways to relax without fear of being grabbed at by a toddler.