Saturday, August 23, 2008

Head butting teenager- the latest update

So, we got a letter. Actually we got a phone call from the police first to tell us a meeting of her whole family and lots of agencies were meeting with "HER" to help her rehabilitate to a proper citizen who doesn't head butt strangers. Then today, we got the apology letter she wrote. Man, there was some shocking grammar, spelling, not alot of thought process...or flow, but a nice gesture, I guess.
If you would like the low down on what the letter actually said, I'll let you know, but not in a public forum like this. I do believe that the police are doing all they can to make her make amends for her rash stupidity, but it's hard not to criticize when she obviously behaves like this for many reasons than just her being an "evil unruly teenager". I did like the addition to the letter that was addressed to me, "I am so sorry for making your female partner affaid and making her scared. You both should really visit our town again. After all, there are alot of excellent people staying here including myself."
The giggle we had was retribution enough. Surely that doesn't make us evil, does it?

1 comment:

The Mitchells said...

I can't wait to read it!