Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Christmas with an almost 3 year old is super fun.  Christmas with a 1 year old is all about wrapping paper.

Santa and his reindeer were due a visit and they had to be fed. Emily got to helping prep a nutritious snack for the reindeer.  Santa was well taken care of also with a fine craft beer and a chocolate bar, I am sure he appreciated it.

Boom, Santa came to visit, awesome. 
I think Daddy cracked a beer at 12.01, as afternoon drinking is far more socially acceptable than morning drinking. I've never been too successful getting my extended family wearing Christmas hats, but my kids are going to have to get into the habit.
An afternoon sitting in the shade followed with GG singing songs to Emily, which she found hilarious.
A big day led to weary kids, early to bed for all.

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