Cameron is a ball of energy now, which shouldn't surprise anyone after seeing how energetic he was in utero. He has trouble falling asleep now, because after he is put in his cot/crib he pulls himself up and stands. Unfortunately for him, Cam has not yet figured out how to sit down again. So he is often upset, anywhere around the house, having pulled himself up but not being able to do anything else after that, but stand. He is a 'standing' maniac.
Emily has learned that making people laugh is a fun thing to do. She is always trying to switch words around in sentences and doing poses with her body to try and make us laugh. The other day she found a tampon hidden in one of my drawers, and was using it as a microphone for her musical performance.
She trumped that performance a few days later while I was giving Cameron a bottle in his room. Emily has been told that when Mommy is feeding Cameron, we need to be quiet and it is best that Emily does not come into Cameron's room but plays or reads in her own room instead. This works maybe 60% of the time. On this particular day, Emily was intent on getting my attention so she decided to strip off her clothes and keep walking past Cameron's door to catch my eye. She was not getting enough of my attention so she decided she needed to impress me. Emily walked past the door again, still naked, but with buttcheeks clenched, walking like a penguin. This DID catch my attention and after asking Emily what she was doing, she said "I got hairclip in my bottom." Yep, her new skill was using her butt cheeks to hold a hair clip in her butt while walking. Needless to say, Cameron was a bit unsettled when he went to sleep because the quiet environment I tried to create was gone due to his mother laughing hysterically. He protested the nap by....yep....standing!
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