Monday, July 06, 2009


Bryce rode in a Cyclocross race this past weekend. Pretty cool race; ride a short 1km (or so) lap around a park, with lots of little descents and climbs, and some barriers that you need to get off your bike and jump over. Seems inconvenient but a fun challenging race. Especially for the spectators who were able to see the riders several times on each lap. Carl and Denise (and their wee one Liam) were here for the weekend too, so Bryce had lots of support as he rode 16 laps in 45 minutes. He was not too pleased about the mistake he made by sprinting to finish in front of some other guy, only to find out he had one more lap to go after that. So displeased he was, it went internal and Bryce actually vomited in his mouth. He was able to swallow it, but that probably didn't help the last lap either. He was shattered at the end. An hour later, with a coffee and a brownie in his tummy and he was a fresh kiwi again!

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