Tuesday, December 05, 2006

too long

been too long since I've posted anything. Been super busy, as it always is at the end of the school year. At least the weather is beginning to look like summer. I had my last night off last night until Christmas (because I start marking today) and so Bryce and I had a couple of Coronas out on the back deck, with sunset, and a BBQ, and some Toffee Pops to finish it off. Lovely night!

So we have just over one week of school left, and the kids are getting prety hairy already. It'll be good to see this year finish as being a Dean has been a rewarding but very difficult year as well. I have accepted the job again for next year, and get to continue working alongside my partner Fiona who is a fantastic worker, so I'm thrilled.

I am heavily reading at night my Lonely PLanet book about Japan, trying to get prepared for the trip in January. Bit nervous as it turns out I will have a bit of free time most days and nights when the students are with their homestays. I have learned Watashi wai Candace des (which I think means my name is Candace). Who knows? I think I will just find some women in the park and learn how to play mah-jong.

Off to the first of several meetings today (one even goes from 1:30 -9:30)!

1 comment:

brokenengine said...

When something is good, you can say "BONUSO"(Bow-Ness-Ooo), which literally means "Bonus!"

You MUST bring me something cool from Japan, like a cool t-shirt with weird graphics and no english on it!