Saturday, January 05, 2008

The vacation continues...

TORONTO! The greatest city in the world! of the greatest cities in the world, mainly because of the people. Plus they got great Bloody Caesars with Clamato juice (if you don't know what I am talking about, stop reading this blog, because you obviously don't know me!) and awesome chicken wings. Oh, and this big thing called the CN Tower. This pic is from our tour around Toronto yesterday. We spent a great amount of time in IKEA, which we both wish would come to New Zealand. It is a swedish furniture store (and everything else) like FREEDOM in New Zealand, except way cheaper and way bigger! We went and visited my niece Nisha and Maire and Raelen as well, and had fun playing with her on her trampoline and visiting with Maire. Cute apartment in downtown Toronto. Where I would like to live, I think, if I lived in a big city. Then we walked around downtown, had some Canadian beer and chicken wings, and did some shopping (mainly to escape the cold wind). It was pretty though to watch the sunset through the buildings in the city as we walked. Full credit to anyone who cycles in this city in the winter. The chance of slipping over on all the ice on the sides of the street is way too high for me.

This is a view from the car, of my parents street. You will notice the snowbanks are pretty high, but not the highest they have been. We had a conversation last night about the coldest we have felt. My mom, who grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba (central Canada, very cold) said that she remembers when she was younger seeing her breathe freeze in front of her face and fall like snowflakes. And the snowbanks they had there have been as high as the tops of houses! I believe her, but sometimes you wonder if I got sucked into the old, "Back in my day...." nostalgia.
"Kids these days don't know how lucky they is. Back in my day,
we used to have to walk to school in our barefeet, through 2
metres of snow, uphill, both ways, with jackets made of rabbit
pelts.....and we liked it. We did no complaining!!"

Yep, heard that the actual temperature at that point was actually -23, but we had already made the sign....

Tim's 35th Birthday Dinner....and finally a picture that shows how handsome he is. Always a jokester for the camera, its hard to find nice pictures of him without him screwing up his face. True behaviour for a 35 year old, I guess. I wouldn't know; I'm too young.

My beautiful parents

Tim, Kristie and Max

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