Friday, December 28, 2007

A Winter Christmas Update

Here is a picture from our backyard of me toboganning down the back hill. We had taken some care in "grooming" our trails and used shovels and our backsides to make the runs as good as possible (not necessarily as "smooth" as possible. We have also noticed that each day the tobogan runs get a little icier and therefore more bruise-worthy. The first victim down each trail truly takes a few moments to recover at the bottom before getting back on their feet. Truly great Canadian fun!!

Here is a picture of the whole family. We found out on Christmas morning that Kathy and Rob are expecting another baby in the summer (Canadian summer, that is), so that makes two new babies on the way, 10 adults and 5 toddlers right now. What a great day it was on Boxing Day to have everyone in the same house. Loud, but good to see everyone and to see the cousins all hanging out.

This is a picture from the kitchen window of the backyard, looking at two deer that have been visiting while we have been in Canada. What a nice treat to see "real" wildlife in the back yard. Squirrels, Raccoons, skunks, deers, fat cats and my mom is convinced there is some other type of monster/animal that has a weird musk that we have smelt outside at night; as of yet, we have yet to witness it. It may go down in the story books somewhere with the Abominable Snowman.....

Funny story from the other night. We were all sitting around playing a board game called Catch Phrase (my parents, my two brothers and their wives and Bryce and I). I was sitting with my feet under the coffee table and felt like I had a rough toenail so I was picking at it (read on, I guarantee the story gets better) and ripped a few pieces off my toenail. I looked around and didn't know where to put these things so I found a pop/fizzy drink can that was empty and threw them in there, and didn't think about them again. So, we just finished playing the game and having lots of laughsand then Tim (my oldest brother) decided to take a drink from his pop can. Little did he know that his little sister had tainted the contents.
The next thing I know, I am looking at my brother's face which is filled with disgust, and he is curiously looking at his fingers which are holding the piece of toenail that he has just pulled from his mouth. He couldn't figure out what had scratched his throat after taking a sip of his pop (the can I had assumed was finished and already garbage). Ooops. Very funny though. The room was roaring; a great family memory.
Going skiing tomorrow and just loving being here. More updates to come.

1 comment:

The Mitchells said...

laughed and laughed again at this story. so gross but sooo funny.