Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I'm no runner but the idea of trail running holds a fraction of interest in the furthest recess of my brain.  Candace was looking for running events to back up her effort in the Levin off-road half marathon and pointed out the Xterra trail running series.

As it happened there was a 10km night race on the 10th anniversary of mums death, sold.  As a non runner surely I could do 10km.  If not, well at least I could put some serious MTB light power on to the trail.

Got underway but it soon was apparent that there were a lot of people trying to squeeze into a little track, thus it was super slow climbing with a solid line of traffic, only spreading out on the four wheel drive tracks near the top.

Stunning views from the summit ridge looking down over Lower Hutt and Petone on one side, and down to Wainuiomata on the other.  Image below pilfered from the interweb but it looked pretty much like this.
Great run all told, more like 12km than 10 but damn good fun for a non runner.

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