Bryce's birthday is next Friday. And 35 he will be. Yep. 35. I can't picture what I will be doing when I am 35. It is so far away from now. : )
So for his bday, I organised a gliding flight for him. My friend Delio, who I play volleyball with, is an instructor, and he took us both out for a flight. I had not planned on going on a flight myself, but Delio gave us each our own flight. Thankfully, Bryce's flight lasted much longer than mine did. If it had been much longer I would have thrown up in a very small cockpit and it would have been so unpleasant. It was such a cool experience, since you sit at the front of the plane and see everything! However, I think I took too many pics, cause I lost the sense of the horizon and just felt nautious most of the time. All good though. Bryce's flight was about 30 minutes and Delio let B take the controls for a while. Long enough even for Delio to call me on the ground and freak me out that he wasn't paying attention to the flying! Anyway, he just called to tell me to watch closely. And then they did two loops; full circles with the glider. Bryce was pretty happy with the flight when he got back on the ground! Lucky his 35 year old heart was able to take the distress!

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