Friday, October 05, 2007

I think he might be missing a few screws.....

Well, we are off this weekend to Rotorua yet again, to "challenge the forest" to Bryce's endurance, or the other way around..... This is a crucial part of Bryce's training for the 2 laps of Lake Taupo at the end of next month (320km on the road). Like I said, a few screws might be missing.....Truthfully, I am very proud of him and think he'll be thrilled at the end of this season with all he has accomplished with his body this season. It will make him ready for a Canadian winter full of lethargy and eating!!
So here is a link to the copy of the map of the race course for Sunday, 100km on mountainbike trails. It won't mean much to many of you, except for the fact that it is obviously very long. Wish him luck!! Not looking for a place....just to finish!

P.S. For those of you who were's warmer here today!

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