No pictures yet to add on from this great trip home, but will get them on soon after I get back to NZ. The weather here is amazing though. I had forgotten how humid it can be in a Canadian summer. Amy, Jill, Laura, Mel and I sat around on Amy's patio and had a BBQ the other night and it was so nice. Light out still until about 10ish. We were just chatting and then all of a sudden the smell of "skunk" arrived and then got stronger very quickly. As it was all dark around us, we coudn't tell exactly where the little guy was so we all ran inside for fear of getting sprayed. Mel told us that her sister once got sprayed by a skunk and she stunk for a long time (a month, was it?). She had to have baths in tomato juice and throw out the clothes she was wearing that night. So glad that didn't happen the other night. Imagine me sitting on the plane beside some poor soul for 12 hours, stinking like skunk!!
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